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Services from Linda Clarke

Linda offers a range of services to help you achieve the most out of life. If you need help with a specific problem or just dealing with the day to day challenges of life, then contact Linda today.


Is used to overcome a specific problem e.g. weight loss, smoking, insomnia, depression, fear of public speaking or flying, exam anxiety. Hypnotherapy seeks to identify the root cause of your problem and fix it. Hypnotherapy bypasses the critical faculty of your conscious mind, to reveal information stored in your subconscious. Using Hypnotherapy, negative emotions that are holding you back can be erased.

Hypnotherapy is charged per session. A session lasts around 1 hour. Find out more about what is hypnotherapy or contact Linda online.

Other related services: Hypnobirthing® and The Fertile Body Method

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLP is an effective and rapid form of psychological therapy capable of addressing the full range of problems that Psychologists are likely to encounter, such as phobias, depression, habit disorders, psychosomatic illnesses and learning disorders.  Those clients who do not like the idea of hypnotherapy, choose NLP.

NLP sessions are charged per session. Find out more about what is neuro-lingustic programming, or contact Linda online.

Life Coaching

Do you try your best and still not get what you want? Do you attract relationships that don’t work? Do you feel as if you have lost site of your dreams? Are you demotivated, unhappy, discontent? A personal life coach will give you unbiased support and encouragement, while helping you set goals so you can realise your dreams. Instead of just living your life your Life Coach will teach you to design your life by finding direction and motivation from within.

Coaching sessions are charged per session. Find out more about what is life coaching, or contact Linda online.

Colour Therapy

Uncovering experiences with hypnotherapy is extremely powerful, but for those people who are uncomfortable with the thought of hypnosis and regression therapy, an alternative technique to understand what is going on in your subconscious is Colour Therapy.

Colour therapy sessions are charged per session. Find out more about what is colour therapy, or contact Linda online.

Dream Interpretation

Will help you positively influence your health, relationships, creativity and spiritual development. Linda offers a course that you can do in your own time.

Find out more about how to improve your life by understanding what your dreams mean, or contact Linda and start learning today!

Holistic Massage

Massage is one of the most natural and instinctive means of relieving pain and discomfort.  Warmth, caring, reassurance, strength and healing are all transmitted by touch through the hands.  It is a form of nurturing that awakens, encourages and supports the body’s own healing powers.

Holistic Massage sessions are charged per session. Find out more about what is holistic massage, or contact Linda online.

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