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Posted by Linda Clarke on Apr 7, 2016 in articles, Hypnotherapy, Newsletters | Comments Off on The Benefits of Forgiveness
There are many benefits of forgiveness; Forgiveness is linked to important aspects of physical and mental health. Sometimes there isn’t anything you can do about what has happened – the event is long past, or there are no actions that will make the situation fairer. If that’s the case and you’re still experiencing emotional pain, forgiving those involved is the only way you can move forward with your life.
Research on forgiveness and measures of health show that forgiveness in general is positively associated with better health in terms of the heart, hormones, and immune system. There are also psychological benefits of forgiveness. People who forgive more readily are less likely to be depressed and anxious, and more likely to be happy. These physical and psychological qualities could all be key in predicting a longer life. The way you respond when you feel wronged, or when you seek even forgiveness of yourself, has a variety of health-boosting effects. Real forgiveness reduces the anger and frees you from the past.
Many people don’t understand what it means to forgive, so they feel they will lose something if they do. But it’s possible to forgive in a very adult and intelligent way. I’d like to share some pointers on how to forgive almost anyone, set yourself free from the past and really heal.
First of all, it’s important to recognize that forgiveness doesn’t necessarily benefit the person you forgive. It doesn’t mean that you like the person or what he or she did. It doesn’t require that you tell the person you have forgiven him or her. Nor does it require that you forget what has happened, thereby opening yourself up to a repeat of the hurtful behaviour.
You’re the one who gets the benefits of forgiveness, because you’ve set yourself free. Forgiveness gives you back your mental and emotional energy, allowing you to focus on the pleasurable and productive things of life. Forgiveness gives you peace of mind when all other things fail to.
Realize that until you forgive the one who hurt you, he or she is still hurting you, perhaps long after she has stopped thinking about you and the situation. Forgiveness is a way to stop that other person from hurting you and the other people in your life who care about you. Forgiveness can be made easier by trying to understand contributing factors regarding what happened. It can be easier if you can see how the actions also hurt the person who hurt you; They have to live with the effects of what they did even if they don’t consciously acknowledge it.
To sum up, if you want to benefit from the life-extending benefits of forgiveness, don’t wait for others to apologize to you or to promise that they will change. Start the process within your own mind, and you’ll be happier, and live longer. The process of forgiveness can also be encouraged by working with a professional such as a hypnotist, counsellor or psychologist.
Read more about the link between emotions and physical health
Source: “The Secret Language of Feelings A Rational Approach to Emotional Mastery” by Calvin D. Banyan.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Feb 25, 2016 in articles, Newsletters | Comments Off on Sleep Patterns of Teenagers
Many parents are confused about the sleep patterns of teenagers. They complain that they can’t get their teenager to go to bed at a decent hour and then are not able to coax them out of bed in the morning.
Infants and children are “larks”; They wake early and sleep early
Teenagers are “owls”; They stay up until the wee hours of the morning and awaken late.
Sleep patterns are controlled by a complex web of brain signalling and hormones – they are regulated by maturational stages. This reverts more to the early to bed, early to rise pattern in adulthood.
- Teenagers have a delayed release of melatonin (the hormone responsible for sleep) by about 2 hours.
- Adults, upon waking have no melatonin whereas teenagers are still groggy. It has been noted that in various States in America where the schools delayed the start of school by about an hour academic results were improved and there were fewer motor accidents.
- Teenagers need so much more sleep than either their parents or their younger siblings because so much is going on in their brains, they are learning so much and at such a fast pace.
- Sleep isn’t simply a way for the body to relax and recoup after a hard day or working, studying or playing. Memory and learning are thought to be consolidated during sleep; It allows the brain time to convert learning into memories; So it’s as vital to their health as the air they breathe and the food they eat.
- Sleep also allows them to manage stress.
Teenagers are forced to abide by the adult chronotype (early to bed early to rise) and therefore have to rise early for school. This early rising does not result in an early bedtime; the teen brain doesn’t adjust at the other end of the day, and instead has a tendency to hold on to that part of it’s pattern. The result is a shrunken sleep period. On weekends, however, teenagers typically slip back into late-morning awakenings, as their internal clock prefers.
- If they are allowed to sleep as long as they like, teenagers will get around 9 – 10 hours of sleep per night.
- If they are made to wake up for school, they are chronically losing 2.75 hours of sleep daily. This is thought to contribute to a chronic sleep deprivation syndrome.
Sleep provides time for the brain to pick out the most salient information from the day’s activities and consolidate that information into memories, discarding the rest. The brain is a finite organ, with a finite amount of space. The brain simply cannot keep adding synapses as it would soon reach a limit and all learning would cease. The more you learn, the more you need to sleep, it would seem.
If they don’t get enough sleep?
- Inhibits the necessary synaptic pruning or prioritizing of information
- Can contribute to juvenile delinquency, depression, obesity, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
- Eating too much or eating the wrong foods. (soft drinks, fried food, sweets and caffeine.
- They often engage in less physical activity and spend more time in front of TV and computers.
- Are two and a half times more likely to report suicidal thoughts than adolescents with good sleep habits.
Physiologically poor sleep can result in:-
- Skin conditions that worsen with stress, like acne or psoriasis
- Injuries during sports activities
- Rise in blood pressure
- Susceptibility to serious illnesses
Emotionally bad sleep can make teenagers:-
- Aggressive
- Impatient
- Impulsive and inappropriate
- Prone to low self-esteem
- Liable to mood swings
Cognitively, poor sleep can cause:
- Impairment of the ability to learn
- Inhibition of creativity
- Slowing of problem-solving skills
- Increasing forgetfulness.
How Can Parents Help?
- Take the TV out of the bedroom.
- The bright LED light of a computer, iPad and smartphone screen needs to be turned off about an hour before bedtime to relax the overstimulated eyes and brain. It suppresses the release of melatonin by about 22 percent.
- Ascertain how much homework they have and help them to prioritize. If an assignment includes something creative, suggest it be done first because it involves more complex cognitive skills and more focus.
- Encourage them to have a routine of winding down at the same time every night. This habituates the mind and body to relax.
- The bed itself should also be just for sleeping – no eating, tv or even homework.
If your teen has difficulty in relaxing into deep restful sleep I can assist in teaching them this. Call me today on 082 929 5142 to schedule an appointment in either Edenvale or Sandton.
Read my article to learn more about how the teenage brain differs from the child or adult brain and to understand why teens do the things they do.
Source “The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist’s survival guide to raising adolescents” by Frances E. Jensen
Hear Frances Jensen’s interview here
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Feb 4, 2016 in articles, Newsletters | Comments Off on How To Help Your Teen Study
How to Help Your Teen Study. Typically a teen bedroom during homework sessions looks like this:-
- Television on
- Headphones attached to iPods
- Whilst simultaneously messaging someone on their computer screens and
- Texting someone else on their iPhones
The teen will assure their parents that their studies are totally unaffected by the many other things they are doing at the same time.
Switching between tasks is a constant need in today’s world of information overload and yet multi-tasking – doing two cognitively complex things at the same time is actually a myth.
Chewing gum and doing virtually anything else is not multitasking because chewing gum involves no real cognitive focus.
Texting and studying do involve cognitive focus; There are limits to how many things the human brain can focus on at any one time therefore when someone is engaged in multiple cognitively significant activities like talking and studying, the brain must constantly switch back and forth between the two tasks; When it does, neither of those tasks are being accomplished particularly well.
The ability to focus happens chiefly in the part of the brain that allows it to concentrate on one thing and then another and to being able to switch between tasks – IT MATURES LATE IN THE ADOLESCENT BRAIN!
The question of whether today’s teens and young adults have a special skill set for learning while distracted was more formally tested in 2006 by researchers at the University of Missouri.
28 undergraduates were asked to memorize words whilst being distracted by performing a concurrent task. Results were startling:-
- A 9 – 26% decline in recall ability when distracted during recall
- A 46 – 59% decline in recall ability when distracted during memorizing
Scientists have shown that the best way to remember what you’ve learned is to return to the place where you learned it (desk in their room). They call this place-dependent learning. Where and how they learn is important.
The more frequently and the more recently we learn something and then recall it or use it again, the more entrenched the knowledge. Frequently is essential because after each repetition the brain cell will respond much more strongly to a stimulus then it initially did. Hence, the brain circuit learns. The more ingrained the knowledge, the easier it is to recall and use. Ruts develop.
Memories are easier to make and last longer when acquired in teen years compared with adult years. This is the time to:-
- Identify strengths and invest in emerging talents – give them an opportunity to excel in something so that they can have positive beliefs about themselves.
- It’s also the time when you can get the best results from remediation, special help, for learning and emotional issues.
How Parents Can Help
The teenage brains are learning at peak efficiency, much else is inefficient – attention, self-discipline, task completion and emotions. The support of the parents is important because at this point the adult has abilities that the child doesn’t.
- When your children come home from school, make them clean out their book bag in front of you and organize their homework assignments, and then ask them which they need to do first. Your teenagers may do this kicking and screaming, but if you make it a priority, no TV, no computer time, no snack until certain things are done then you’ll increase your chances of success.
- If an assignment includes something creative, suggest it be done first because it involves more complex cognitive skills and more focus.
- Encourage your adolescents to make lists – such as what they need to take home from school in the afternoon in order to do homework, or what they need to accomplish before going to bed. Try to get them into the habit of crossing these things off a list too as they are achieved.
- Go through textbooks – write out questions and answers elsewhere. They learn that they actually have to do the work – sit down and do it, in order to learn.
- Offer to proofread assignments and spell-check their essays.
- Take the computer and TV out of the bedroom. The bright LED light of a computer screen needs to be turned off about an hour before bedtime to relax the over-stimulated eyes and brain.
- Stay involved even if you don’t have expert knowledge in the subjects.
- Ensure that they are sitting in a comfortable desk chair.
- Check on them over the course of the evening, but try not to do it judgmentally. Stress will impair learning!
- Don’t ridicule, judge, be disapproving or dismissive. They are often all over the place, forgetting to bring books home, crumpling important notes in the bottom of their backpacks, misconstruing homework assignments. Rather reinforce structure.
- Ensure that they get sufficient sleep. Lack of sleep impacts on concentration, motions, behaviour and memory.
- Pay attention to nutrition – high sugar, artificial colouring (fizzy drinks, sweets) have an impact on sleep, concentration and therefore performance.
- If your teenager is struggling with low grades and organizational issues and is progressively falling behind, it is your job to step in to offer help and brainstorm why these things are happening. It is important for parents to keep in close communication with the school. Teens need to learn to take responsibility for their homework, for sleep habits, and for the distractions that keep them from studying. With gentle nudges at school and at home and assistance they will not only become more disciplined about how and when and where they study but also become more confident.
If your child needs specific assistance to concentrate or suffers exam anxiety I can assist with hypnosis, meditation and neuro-linguistic programming. Call me today on 082 929 5142 to schedule an appointment in either Edenvale or Sandton.
Read my article to learn more about how the teenage brain differs from the child or adult brain and to understand why teens do the things they do.
Source “The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist’s survival guide to raising adolescents” by Frances E. Jensen
Resources: By Parents for Parents – includes articles, a blog, a parenting forum, and links to information on everything from weight loss camps and ADHD to bullying and divorce.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Jan 15, 2016 in articles, Newsletters | Comments Off on Confused by Your Teenager’s Behaviour?
Do you find yourself being Confused by Your Teenager’s Behaviour? Many of us find ourselves tearing out our hair over our teen’s moods and behaviours and wonder what happened to the adorable, sweet-natured child we had; as what at times appears to be an alien emerges. We may blame ourselves, our partner and may even feel guilty, inept or ashamed.
The purpose of this article is to explain the difference between a child, adolescent and adult brain. To de-mystify why our teen behaves the way they do and how we can support them on the journey to being a fully functional adult.
First of all I will explain the structure of the human brain. The brain sits on the brainstem, which connects to the spinal cord. It is divided into four lobes – Different functions tend to be associated with particular areas of the lobes.
- Frontal (top front) – concerned with executive function, reasoning, problem solving, working memory, judgement, insight and impulse control. Plus the execution of fine voluntary movement.
- Parietal (top back) – is divided into two functional regions. One involves sensation and perception and the other is concerned with integrating sensory input, primarily with the visual system. The first function integrates sensory information to form a single perception (cognition).
- Temporal (sides) –discrimination of sounds and includes areas involved in the regulation of emotions and sexuality, language
- Occipital (back) – house the visual cortex. The cerebellum in the rear of the brain regulates motor patterning and co-ordination
In addition, there is a complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving several areas near the edge of the cortex concerned with instinct and mood. This is referred to as the limbic system and can be thought of as a kind of crossroads of the brain, where emotions and experiences are integrated.
These structures control the visceral (relating to deep inward feelings) and physical expressions of emotion – quickened heartbeat and respiration, trembling, sweating and alterations in facial expressions – the expression of appetite and other primary drives; hunger, thirst, mating, defence, attack and flight.
The hippocampus is a small organ located within the brain’s temporal lobe and forms an important part of the limbic system. It is associated mainly with memory, in particular long-term memory. The organ also plays an important role in spatial navigation. In the adolescent brain it is relatively “supercharged” compared with an adult’s.
Amygdala – There are two amygdalae per person normally, with one amygdala on each side of the brain. It is responsible for emotions, survival instincts, and memory and also plays a role in sexual activity and libido, or sex drive. The amygdala is responsible for the perception of emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness, as well as the controlling of aggression. The amygdala helps to store memories of events and emotions so that an individual may be able to recognize similar events in the future.
The Hypothalamus is a section of the brain responsible for the production of many of the body’s essential hormones, chemical substances that help control different cells and organs. The hypothalamus’ primary function is homeostasis, which is to maintain the body’s status quo system-wide.
Grey matter houses neurons – these are the cells responsible for thought, perception, motion and control of bodily functions.
These cells also need to connect to one another, as well as to the spinal cord for the brain to control our bodies, behaviour, thoughts and emotions. Most of these connections to other neurons are through the white matter in the brain.
In the past it was assumed that whatever our IQ or apparent talents, a math or science type versus a language arts type, at puberty it stays that way for the rest of our life. Now we understand that this is all wrong. The teen brain in particular has the ability to harness exceptional strengths that fade as we enter into adulthood.
The functioning, wiring and capacity of the brain are all different in adolescents. The teenage brain is a wondrous organ, capable of titanic stimulation and stunning feats of learning and on the other hand has dangers, including impulsivity, risk-taking, mood swings, lack of insight and poor judgement.
Children’s brains continue to be moulded by their environment, physiologically, well past their mid-twenties. Scientists are continually uncovering ways in which the adolescent brain works and responds to the world differently from the brain of either a child or an adult.
The brain of an adolescent has an overabundance of grey matter (the neurons that form the basic building blocks of the brain) and an undersupply of white matter (the connective wiring that helps information flow efficiently from one part of the brain to the other). It is almost like a brand-new Ferrari; It’s primed and pumped, but it hasn’t been road tested yet. It’s all revved up but doesn’t quite know where to go. The teenager looks like an adult and yet neurologically their brain is not ready for the adult world.
The brain is built by nature from the ground up – from cellar to attic, from back to front. The brain also wires itself starting in the back with the structures that mediate our interaction with the environment and regulate our sensory processes (The Limbic System ).
As the brain matures from back to front in the teen years the frontal lobes are the least mature and the last connected compared with the other lobes.
The frontal lobes make up more than 40 percent of the human brain’s total volume – they are the seat of our ability to generate insight, judgement, abstraction and planning. They are the source of self-awareness and our ability to assess dangers and risk so we use this area of the brain to choose a course of action wisely.
A chimpanzee’s frontal lobes come closest to the human’s in terms of size but still make up only around 17 percent of it’s total brain volume. The human’s competitive edge is our ingenuity, brains over brawn. This edge happens to take the longest time to develop as the connectivity to and from the frontal lobes is the most complex and is the last to fully mature.
New forms of brain scans, called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) not only gives us accurate pictures of the brain inside the skull but also shows us connections between different regions . A new kind of MRI called the function MRI (fMRI) shows us what brain areas turn one another on. The National Institutes of Health (USA) conducted a major study to examine how brain regions activate one another over the first twenty-one years of life.
What they found was:-
- The connectivity of the brain slowly moves from the back of the brain to the front. The very last places to “connect” are the frontal lobes.
- The teen brain is only about 80 percent of the way to maturity. This 20% gap where the wiring is thinnest, is crucial and goes a long way toward explaining why teenagers behave in such puzzling ways – their mood swings, irritability, impulsiveness and explosiveness; Their inability to focus, to follow through and to connect with adults; their temptations to use drugs and alcohol and to engage in other risky behaviour.
The process of brain maturity is not completed by the end of the teen years and as a result the college years are still a vulnerable period.
We have all heard tragic stories of deaths due to recklessness – swimming whilst intoxicated, driving recklessly, etc. etc. Police, teachers, parents ask kids to think twice about potential dangers before taking any risks that could turn deadly.
How parents deal with these tragic stories and talk about them with their own kids is critical. It shouldn’t be “Oh, I’m so glad that wasn’t my child” Or “my teenager would never have done that” because you just don’t know.
Instead parents have to be proactive. Stuff the teenager’s mind with real stories, real consequences and then you have to do it again – over dinner, after soccer practice, before music lessons and even when they complain they’ve heard it all before. You have to remind them!
Now that you have an understanding how the teenage brain is not yet sufficiently mature to make logical decisions, to have insight, solve problems, make judgements and exercise impulse control, Watch this space! In future articles I will discuss how this immaturity affects various contexts of their lives – relationships, including peer pressure, sex, studying and planning, stress and how easy it is for them to adopt addictive behaviours.
Source “The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist’s survival guide to raising adolescents” by Frances E. Jensen
Resources: Parenting Teens Online and Talking Teenage
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Dec 12, 2015 in articles | Comments Off on Reiki
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
When seeking a definition from a more spiritual context, we find that Rei can be defined as the Higher Intelligence that guides the creation and functioning of the universe. Rei is a subtle wisdom that permeates everything, both animate and inanimate. This subtle wisdom guides the evolution of all creation ranging from the unfolding of galaxies to the development of life. On a human level, it is available to help us in times of need and to act as a source of guidance in our lives. Because of its infinite nature, it is all knowing. Rei is also called God and has many other names depending on the culture that has named it.
Ki is the non-physical energy that animates all living things. Ki is flowing in everything that is alive including plants, animals and humans. When a person’s Ki is high, they will feel strong, confident, and ready to enjoy life and take on it’s challenges. When it is low, they will feel weak and are more likely to get sick. We receive Ki from the air we breath, from food, sunshine, and from sleep. It is also possible to increase our Ki by using breathing exercises and meditation. When a person dies, their Ki leaves the physical body. Ki is also the Chi of China, the prana of India, the Ti or Ki of the Hawaiians, and has also been called odic force, orgone, bioplasma and life force.
With the above information in mind, Reiki can be defined as a non-physical healing energy made up of life force energy that is guided by the Higher Intelligence, or spiritually guided life force energy. This is a functional definition as it closely parallels the experience of those who practice Reiki in that Reiki energy seems to have an intelligence of its own flowing where it is needed in the client and creating the healing conditions necessary for the individual’s needs. It cannot be guided by the mind; therefore it is not limited by the experience or ability of the practitioner. Neither can it be misused as it always creates a healing effect. (It must be kept in mind that Reiki is not the same as simple life force energy as life force energy by itself can be influenced by the mind and because of this, can create benefit as well as cause problems including ill health.)
The source or cause of health comes from the Ki that flows through and around the individual rather than from the functional condition of the physical organs and tissues. It is Ki that animates the physical organs and tissues as it flows through them and therefore is responsible for creating a healthy condition. If the flow of Ki is disrupted, the physical organs and tissues will be adversely affected. Therefore, it is a disruption in the flow of Ki that is the main cause of illness.
An important attribute of Ki is that it responds to ones thoughts and feelings. Ki will flow more strongly or be weakened in its action depending on the quality of ones thoughts and feelings. It is our negative thoughts and feelings that are the main cause of restriction in the flow of Ki. All negative or dis-harmonious thoughts or feelings will cause a disruption in the flow of Ki. Even Western medicine recognizes the role played by the mind in creating illness and some Western doctors state that as much as 98% of illness is caused directly or indirectly by the mind.
It must be understood that the mind exists not only in the brain, but also through-out the body. The nervous system extends to every organ and tissue in the body and so the mind exists here also. It is also known that the mind even extends outside the body in a subtle energy field 2 to 3 feet thick called the aura. Because of this, it is more appropriate to call our mind a mind/body as the mind and body are so closely linked.
Therefore, our negative thoughts are not just in the brain, but also collect in various locations through-out the body and in the aura. The places where negative thoughts and feelings collect is where Ki is restricted in its flow. The physical organs that exist at these locations are restricted in their functioning. If the negative thoughts and feelings are not eliminated quickly, illness results.
The negative thoughts and feelings that are lodged in the unconscious mind/body are the greatest problem as we are not aware of them and therefore, are we are greatly hampered in changing or eliminating them. To become more aware of negative thoughts and feelings practice mindfulness meditation.
The great value of Reiki is that because it is guided by the Higher Intelligence, it knows exactly where to go and how to respond to restrictions in the flow of Ki. It can work directly in the unconscious parts of the mind/body which contain negative Ki-inhibiting thoughts and feelings and eliminate them. As Reiki flows through a sick or unhealthy area, it breaks up and washes away any negative thoughts or feelings lodged in the unconscious mind/body thus allowing a normal healthy flow of Ki to resume. As this happens, the unhealthy physical organs and tissues become properly nourished with Ki and begin functioning in a balanced healthy way thus replacing illness with health.
This non-invasive, completely benign healing technique is becoming more and more popular. As western medicine continues to explore alternative methods of healing, Reiki is destined to play an important role as an accepted and valued healing practice.
How Is A Reiki Treatment Given?
In a standard treatment Reiki energy flows from the practitioner’s hands into the client. The client is usually lying on a massage table but treatments can also be given while the client is seated or even standing. The client remains fully clothed. The practitioner places her/his hands on or near the client’s body in a series of hand positions. These include positions around the head and shoulders, the stomach, and feet. Other, more specific positions may be used based on the client’s needs. Each position is held for three to ten minutes depending on how much Reiki the client needs at each position. The whole treatment usually lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.
What Does A Reiki Treatment Feel Like?
What one experiences during a Reiki treatment varies somewhat from person to person. However, feelings of deep relaxation are usually felt by all. In addition, many feel a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and surrounds them. As the Reiki energy encourages one to let go of all tension, anxiety, fear or other negative feelings a state of peace and well-being is experienced. Some drift off to sleep or report floating outside their bodies or have visions and other mystical experiences. At the end of the treatment, one feels refreshed with a more positive, balanced outlook.
What Can Be Treated With Reiki?
Reiki has had a positive effect on all forms of illness and negative conditions. This includes minor things like head or stomach aches, bee stings, colds, flu, tension and anxiety as well as serious illness like heart disease, cancer, leukaemia, etc. The side effects of regular medical treatments have also been reduced or eliminated. This includes the negative effects of chemotherapy, post-operative pain and depression as well as improving the healing rate and reducing the time needed to stay in the hospital. Reiki always helps and in some cases people have experienced complete healings which have been confirmed by medical tests before and after the Reiki treatments. However, while some have experienced miracles, they cannot be guaranteed. Stress reduction with some improvement in one’s physical and psychological condition are what most experience.
Can Reiki Be Combined with Medical or Psychological Treatments?
Yes. If one has a medical or psychological condition, it is recommended that one see a licensed health care professional in addition to receiving Reiki treatments. Reiki energy works in harmony with all other forms of healing, including drugs, surgery, psychological care or any other method of alternative care and will improve the results.
Is It Safe For Pregnant Women?
Since Reiki is guided by the Higher Power, the Reiki energy will know the condition of the client or student and adjust appropriately. Reiki can only do good. Many pregnant women have received treatments with great benefit to them and their unborn child. It has also been used during child birth. Pregnant women have also taken the Reiki training and received the Reiki attunement with beneficial results.
What About Babies?
Babies love Reiki. It is very healthy for them. Do not worry about it being too strong. Reiki automatically adjusts to what the baby needs.
Is Reiki Beneficial To Animals And Plants?
Animals love Reiki too. They seem to have a natural understanding of what Reiki is and its benefits. Once a pet has received a Reiki treatment, they will often let you know that they want more. Plants also respond well to Reiki.
Are There Any Side Effects From A Reiki Treatment?
Most of the time a person will feel relaxed and uplifted by a Reiki treatment. However, sometimes a person will have what is called a healing crisis. As a person’s vibration goes up, toxins that have been stored in the body will be released into the blood stream to be filtered by the liver and kidneys and removed from the system. When this happens, sometimes a person can get a headache or stomach ache or feel weak. If this happens, it is a good idea to drink more water, eat lighter meals and get more rest. The body is cleansing as part of the healing process so this is a good sign.
Read more about Reiki by visiting the University of Minesota’s “Taking Charge Of Your Health And Wellbeing” website page
Contact Linda today to book a session in Edenvale, Gauteng.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Nov 12, 2015 in articles | Comments Off on Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders
What is an Eating Disorder?
Eating Disorders describe illnesses that are characterized by irregular eating habits and severe distress or concern about body weight or shape. Eating disturbances may include inadequate or excessive food intake which can ultimately damage an individual’s well-being. The most common forms of eating disorders include Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder and affect both females and males.
Eating disorders can develop during any stage in life but typically appear during the teen years or young adulthood. Classified as a medical illness, appropriate treatment can be highly effectual for many of the specific types of eating disorders. Although these conditions are treatable, the symptoms and consequences can be detrimental and deadly if not addressed.
Eating disorders commonly coexist with other conditions, such as anxiety disorders, substance abuse, or depression.
Types of Eating Disorders
The three most common types of Eating Disorders are as follows:
Anorexia Nervosa -The male or female suffering from anorexia nervosa will typically have an obsessive fear of gaining weight, refusal to maintain a healthy body weight, and an unrealistic perception of body image. Many people with anorexia nervosa will fiercely limit the quantity of food they consume and view themselves as overweight, even when they are clearly underweight. Anorexia can have damaging health effects, such as brain damage, multi-organ failure, bone loss, heart difficulties, and infertility. The risk of death is highest in individuals with this disease.
Bulimia Nervosa -This eating disorder is characterized by repeated binge eating followed by behaviours that compensate for the overeating, such as forced vomiting, excessive exercise, or extreme use of laxatives or diuretics. Men and women who suffer with Bulimia may fear weight gain and feel severely unhappy with their body size and shape. The binge-eating and purging cycle is typically done in secret, creating feelings of shame, guilt, and lack of control. Bulimia can have injuring effects, such as gastrointestinal problems, severe hydration, and heart difficulties resulting from an electrolyte imbalance.
Binge Eating Disorder – Individuals who suffer from Binge Eating Disorder will frequently lose control over his or her eating. Different from bulimia nervosa however, episodes of binge-eating are not followed by compensatory behaviours, such as purging, fasting, or excessive exercise. Because of this, many people suffering with binge-eating disorder may be obese and at an increased risk of developing other conditions, such as cardiovascular disease. Men and women who struggle with this disorder may also experience intense feelings of guilt, distress, and embarrassment related to their binge-eating, which could influence further progression of the eating disorder.
Causes of Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders are complex disorders, influenced by a facet of factors. Though the exact cause of eating disorders is unknown, it is generally believed that a combination of biological, psychological, and/or environmental abnormalities contribute to the development of these illnesses.
Examples of biological factors include:
- Irregular hormone functions
- Nutritional deficiencies
Examples of psychological factors include:
- Negative body image
- Poor self-esteem
Examples of environmental factors that would contribute to the occurrence of eating disorders are:
- Dysfunctional family dynamic
- Professions and careers that promote being thin and weight loss, such as ballet and modelling
- Aesthetically oriented sports, where an emphasis is placed on maintaining a lean body for enhanced performance. Examples include: rowing, diving, gymnastics, wrestling, and long distance running.
- Family and childhood traumas: childhood sexual abuse, severe trauma
- Cultural and/or peer pressure among friends and co-workers
- Stressful transitions or life changes
Transitional periods have often been identified as triggers in those who may be struggling with an eating disorder. Divorce, emigration and students who are leaving home for the first time are examples of this. Making new friends, separation from what is familiar, a change of status and the pressure of social acceptance and approval are the emotional burdens that such transitions cause.
Signs & Symptoms of an Eating Disorder
A man or woman suffering from an eating disorder may reveal several signs and symptoms, some which are:
- Chronic dieting despite being hazardously underweight
- Constant weight fluctuations
- Obsession with calories and fat contents of food
- Engaging in ritualistic eating patterns, such as cutting food into tiny pieces, eating alone, and/or hiding food
- Continued fixation with food, recipes, or cooking; the individual may cook intricate meals for others but refrain from partaking
- Depression or lethargic stage
- Avoidance of social functions, family and friends. May become isolated and withdrawn
- Switching between periods of overeating and fasting
Treatment For An Eating Disorder
Because of the severity and complexities of these conditions, a comprehensive and professional treatment team specializing in eating disorders is often fundamental in establishing healing and recovery. Treatment for an eating disorder is usually comprised with one or more of the following and addressed with medical doctors, nutritionists, and therapists for complete care:
Medical Care and Monitoring-The highest concern in the treatment of eating disorders is addressing any health issues that may have been a consequence of eating disordered behaviours.
Nutrition: This would involve weight restoration and stabilization, guidance for normal eating, and the integration of an individualized meal plan.
Therapy: Different forms of therapy, such as individual, family, or group, can be helpful in addressing the underlying causes of eating disorders. Therapy is a fundamental piece of treatment because it affords an individual in recovery the opportunity to address and heal from traumatic life events and learn healthier coping skills and methods for expressing emotions, communicating and maintaining healthy relationships.
Varying levels of treatment, ranging from outpatient support groups to inpatient eating disorder canters, are available and based on the severity of the eating disorder. In any case, recognizing and addressing the eating disorder are crucial in being able to begin treatment.
How Hypnosis and NLP May Promote Recovery
It has been recognised that many people with an eating disorder have rigid “black and white” thinking. This type of thinking leads to negative emotions, stress, guilt and anger which not only has an effect on the systems of the body but also re-enforces and strengthens these thought patterns. If I can explain very simply here what happens in our brain; Every thought we have “lights up” specific neurons and just like a muscle that’s used becomes stronger with use these neurons become stronger with every repetitive thought. Neural Darwinism is a principle of neuroscience stating that neural networks that no longer fire are subject to pruning; links between the neurons in the network are literally severed until the network becomes incapable of firing. This means that those neurons (thought patterns) can be collapsed! When we take steps to change our thinking we can feel and behave differently. Go to this page for booking information
Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming provides various techniques to change patterns of thoughts; Additionally the person will learn techniques to access calm feelings whenever they need them. This provides a new resource for coping with the stresses of life. Hypnosis may also provide an opportunity for the person to address and heal from past traumatic experiences. For more information about hypnosis click here and for neuro-linguistic programming click here
The practice of Mindfulness meditation is also known to help a person be more aware of themselves, in particular about what they are saying to themselves and in most cases reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Click here to read my newsletter article about mindfulness meditation.
Contact me today if you would like to make a booking to begin the steps of recovery.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Nov 11, 2015 in articles | Comments Off on PHOBIAS
Phobias are the result of Fear. Many of us have fears that limit us and holds us back; We tend to avoid things and situations that cause us discomfort.
When the fears become so intense that they are avoided at all costs, they become a phobia. The individual experiences marked, extreme, enduring fear as soon as they experience (or even think about) a defined situation or object. Common phobias are:- insects, fear of heights, flying, elevators, public speaking, certain animals. 
Phobias may develop acutely or more gradually:-
Association Conditioning – if an individual was driving one day and experienced a strong anxiety response, an association may form between driving and anxiety and thereafter the person can become fearful of driving.
Traumas – For example, a person who has been attacked by a dog may develop a specific phobia disorder and become conditioned to fear dogs. Quite often the origin of the phobia is not remembered by the individual because the experience happened in early childhood.
“Modelling” the behaviour. For example, if a parent exhibits fear of a specific phobic stimulus then by association the child may become predisposed to developing the same phobia disorder. Children, in particular, are very adaptable and are easily conditioned.
What happens in the brain?
Every thought, experience, event, concept or idea that we have has an effect in our brain. Whenever we think of something, we actually light up a specific set of neurons in our brain. The more frequently this event and its subsequent emotions are accessed, the stronger that network of neurons becomes. It is just like building up a muscle; It becomes easier and easier to “light up” the connections and easier and easier to access the emotion. This process is known as Hebb’s Law.
Hebb’s Law is one of the few principles of neuroscience that is fairly universally agreed on and therefore can be called a “law”. In itself this law is complicated, describing how neurons and neural networks become wired together in the brain, but is often stated as the principle that “neurons that fire together, wire together”. It helps to explain the principle of state dependent learning. It is for this reason we associate intense fear with the phobic stimulus. (Dogs)
These neurons have probably been firing together for a period of time and have now become synonymous with each other, have actually connected with each other and now are neurologically wired together; Just like a muscle becomes stronger with use then these neurons become stronger with use.
Neural Darwinism is a principle of neuroscience stating that neural networks that no longer fire are subject to pruning; links between the neurons in the network are literally severed until the network becomes incapable of firing.
How Hypnosis and NLP Can Collapse the Phobic Response
The Hypnotist and/or Coach will utilize several principles including Hebb’s Law and Neural Darwinism and hypnotic suggestion to create change in their clients.
The first step involves “lighting up” the neural connection of fear. Let’s say a person has a fear of dogs. The Hypnotist will gently ask the person to think of dogs and perhaps imagine a recent time when the fear was experienced.
The second step is to ascertain how the person wants to feel around dogs; Perhaps calm and peaceful. The person will be asked to think of a time when that feeling was most compelling; As the person does this then the associated neurons are “lit up”.
The final step is to begin to link these two together, which leads to these neurons becoming wired together. The Coach will make the “calm” network a big and robust enough state that can collapse and overwhelm the feelings of fear and a new default feeling is linked to the idea of dogs. Then, of course, the old neurological network that linked fear of dogs is now severed. (pruning).
If you have a fear that is limiting your full potential or making your life miserable contact me today! Go to this page for booking information.
Source “The Meta Pattern” by Shawn and Sarah Carson of the International Center for Positive Change & Hypnosis, New York.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Nov 3, 2015 in articles | Comments Off on Daily Mindfulness Meditation

Daily mindfulness meditation keeps the mind and body balanced. Mindfulness meditation helps us to be aware of our internal and external world – what we are seeing, hearing, feeling, our internal dialogue, thoughts and emotions. When we are aware, we are conscious; When we are conscious we can choose a different way of being.
Learn more about Mindfulness Meditation by contacting me today. I can teach you and provide you with a cd.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Oct 24, 2015 in articles | Comments Off on Enhancing Fertility
Enhancing Fertility with the Fertile Body Method
Enhancing Fertility with the Fertile Body Method. The Fertile Body Method is an approach that helps couples who are struggling with infertility. You have probably tried everything, spent lots of money, undergone awful treatments, waited tentatively to see the results. And what have you
been rewarded with? Disappointment. Despair. Depression.
Perhaps it’s time to try something different. Something completely natural. The Fertile Body Method combines hypnosis and other mind-body approaches to address the underlying factors that impact fertility and also reduce the negative effects of infertility that you live with every day!
What is the Fertile Body Method
The Fertile Body Method combines physical, mental and emotional interventions to produce positive results and make fertility problems easier to deal with.
The role of the mind and the emotions in fertility is a vital one that is often overlooked. Hypnosis is one of the most effective tools for helping the mind to support the body to conceive and give birth, as well as to help you cope better with the experience of infertility.
How fertility issues impact on a couple
- Feelings of inadequacy
- Stress and anxiety
- Can cause relationship issues blame/resentment
- Negatively affect their sex life
- Fear of debt /stress of assisted reproductive technologies (IVF etc.)
How stress affects reproduction
- Often has an adverse effect on reproductive hormones (especially FSH and LH).
- Engages the sympathetic nervous system which can result in insufficient blood flow to the uterus and ovaries.
- Adrenalin inhibits production of progesterone which is essential for building and maintaining the lining of the uterus
- Prolactin inhibits both a woman and man’s fertility by decreasing oestrogen and testosterone.
There is usually no single cause for fertility problems therefore an integrated approach using a combination of treatments is far more likely to give positive results.
Natural Fertility Enhancement
The Fertile Body Method works by:
- creating mind-body balance
- providing tools to cope with fertility issues
- providing on-going support to you as you go through your journey
The resulting increase in your wellbeing will improve your chances of falling pregnant. If you are struggling to fall pregnant or are trying to deal with the stress of being sub-fertile, please Contact Linda Clarke today! The Fertile Body Method is a natural fertility enhancement programme which could be your solution!
Infertility Treatments Options
Procedure Typical Success Rates Average Cost (R)
IUI/Clomid 3-6% 6,500.00
IVF 20-25% 65,000,00
Hypnosis or mind/body work 42-65% 8,000,00
The Fertile Body Method programme is aimed at helping couples to deal with the effects of fertility problems and to identify and make changes that can positively impact on their fertility. It acknowledges the importance of working together with other specialists to create well co-ordinated combinations of treatments. The success rates of medical treatments such as IVF can be increased when combined with hypnosis.
The programme comprises six key stages:-
Outcome – The programme is tailored to suit your unique circumstances. In the first stage we explore your aims and goals for the sessions. This means identifying what needs to change to improve your chances of becoming pregnant. Setting clear goals will help you know what your are working towards and to determine the best possible focus for the sessions. This will give you a sense of control.
Balance – address your current mental, emotional and physical state by restoring balance to internal and external factors that effect overall wellbeing; this may be addressing negative self-talk, stress levels, diet, lifestyle etc. The main aims of this stage are to stabilize you, build ego strength, develop your inner resources and increase your feelings of wellbeing. Maybe your lifestyle and environment needs to be improved. Maybe you need help to feel calmer, stronger and more able to cope. There are also other factors that inhibit fertility that may need to be addressed – stress, perfectionism, hormone imbalance, overweight, smoking, diet.
Resolve When you are feeling an increased sense of wellbeing and balance, we will work through any unresolved issues that may be preventing you from becoming a Mother. Hypnosis is a very powerful and effective tool for identifying and resolving experiences which may be holding you back. These could be fears about pregnancy, birth, parenthood, even unresolved issues from childhood, sexual relationship issues, terminations, stillbirths, miscarriages, childhood abuse.
Enhance – Working specifically with the conscious and unconscious mind to enhance fertility using visualization, guided imagery and mental rehearsal.
Visualization is a simple and powerful way to enhance fertility.
- Visualisation helps prepare you mentally for the birth, parenthood, embryo transfer etc.
- Relaxation techniques and visualisation help increase the effectiveness of treatments such as IVF. Double the chances of the successful outcome of your medical treatments, and Contact Linda today!
You will be guided through visualizations that are specifically created to enhance your fertility. You will be taught how to do this on your own at home.
Prepare – for pregnancy, birth or parenthood. Also includes mental, emotional and physical preparation for medical treatments such as IVF. Preparation is an important factor which helps you feel more calm and confident. Preparing yourself mentally, emotionally and physically for medical treatment, gives you a sense of control.
Support – to help you to maintain the changes you have made in your life. Also supporting you whilst awaiting test results and any disappointments. I am there for you as you embark and travel on your journey – if you become pregnant, if your treatment fails, if you miscarry. Or if need to come to terms with not having children.
Stop struggling and give the Fertile Body Method a try! Contact Linda Clarke today. Go to this page for booking information.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Oct 12, 2015 in articles | Comments Off on On-line Self-Hypnosis Recordings
On-Line Self Hypnosis Recordings and Transformation CDs
On-Line Self-Hypnosis Recordings. Perhaps you want to try self hypnosis before taking the step of contacting a qualified hypnotist. After all, the internet offers loads of “Get Slim Quick” or “Quit Smoking Today” solutions using self hypnosis techniques or hypnotherapy Recordings. Most of these promise you remarkable results after the first session!
Research has shown however, that hypnosis is only successful when tailored to your specific and individual needs.
Think about it! The reasons why you are struggling to lose weight or quit that habit are completely different to the next person. How then can a standard, off the shelf, self hypnosis CD re-educate your unique subconscious mind?
You need an objective hypnotist to support, help and guide you through this process. Linda will work with you to identify what imprints are fuelling your specific challenges and then help you on your road to make the necessary changes in your life. Linda provides cds tailored to your specific needs – these are free and included in the session; They support you between sessions and they are a resource to use whenever you need them throughout your life.
Your mind is your most powerful muscle. Hypnosis and NLP can help you to become the person you wish to be.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Oct 12, 2015 in articles | Comments Off on Lose Weight Naturally
Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) – An Approach to Help you Lose Weight Naturally.
Lose Weight Naturally. Hypnosis and NLP are approaches that have been known to help many people to reach and attain a healthy attitude to food and their body. Hypnosis and NLP understands the part your subconscious mind plays in your behaviour and re-educates your subconscious to have a healthy body image and to stop starving yourself or to stop craving fatty, high-sugar foods and develop a healthy eating habit that feels like second nature. Where diet pills, drinks and programmes all treat the symptom of your problem, hypnosis looks at the imprints in your subconscious mind and helps you to create new beliefs and behaviours to change how you think, feel and behave. Those underlying imprints can also be addressed using many NLP techniques such as new behaviour generators, anchoring desired states with regards to attitudes to food, exercising, and any limiting beliefs you may have about your ability to have a body that you can feel proud of.
Linda uses hypnosis to understand what subconscious messages are creating your challenges with food and together with NLP techniques to make the necessary changes to help you realize your goals. Escape from the despair that failed diets so often put you in and Contact Linda today. Take control of your life so you can really start living!
How will Hypnosis Help you to Have a Healthy Attitude Towards Food?
It is a deep state of relaxation and intense mental focus that help you to change old attitudes and beliefs about eating and maintaining a healthy weight.
*Whilst you are in a state of hypnosis, your subconscious mind is more available to you, more open to receive suggestions that will become a natural part of new behaviours. Suggestions to your subconscious mind bypass the critical mind, which you use day-to-day and go straight to the part of the mind that controls habits. This allows you to follow through with any changes you have decided to make in your life.
Some of these messages seem pretty simple, and they are. It’s where they reside that makes the difference. Suggestions such as “you eat only in response to your body’s natural need for food as fuel” or “you’ll feel completely satisfied with three small nutritious meals a day” or “your enjoyment of a regular exercise programme grows with each time you visit the gym”. Repetition of these suggestions can boost your determination and enhance your conscious willpower. Provided they are in harmony with your goals your subconscious will accept them as fact and changes will be permanent!
How does Your Subconscious Mind Drive Behaviour?
Your craving and urge to eat is because of “conditioning.” When you associate consuming food with any behaviour, emotion or belief it will trigger cravings for food and a feeling of urgency to eat. This is called a conditioned response. For example; As a child you always got a chocolate when you did something well. As an adult, you are now conditioned into seeing chocolate as a reward. You start a diet and you’re keeping to it very well! What pops into your conscious mind from your subconscious? “You are doing so well, you deserve a chocolate!”
Some people are compulsive eaters – they have an “irresistible impulse” to eat. This seems strange as our subconscious mind will only encourage behaviours that benefit or protect us in some way. How could being fat, be a beneficial behaviour? Why would the subconscious mind allow this to happen? This is a classic example; A person may have been **sexually abused as a child. So, to protect the self from being abused again, the unconscious motivates the self to become fat to make itself unattractive to the attention of anyone who might potentially abuse him/her again.
You may think that the conscious mind is in control, but it is your subconscious mind that drives your behaviour. This part of your mind stores all your experiences, desires, dreams, emotions and habits. You will never resolve your problem of an eating disorder unless you understand what in your subconscious mind is motivating the behaviour which causes you to have an unhealthy relationship with food or not exercise and therefore never eat healthily. That’s why you need to contact Linda and explore how hypnosis and NLP can help you to have a healthy relationship with food.
Click here to learn more about the programme.
* We all differ in our suggestibility – we don’t have to be highly suggestible for hypnosis to be effective – it is more important to stay focused on our desired outcome – Linda will support you – both during the sessions and with the free cds. It is up to the person to take the time to listen to the cds daily. Linda cannot guarantee success because she cannot guarantee that the person will do his/her part in the process of change and for some people there may be an underlying physical condition that needs to be addressed. Linda recommends that a person should eliminate any underlying physical conditions prior to embarking on the programme.
**This does not mean that all obese people have been abused sexually.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Oct 12, 2015 in articles | Comments Off on Break the Psychological Habit of Smoking
With Hypnosis and NLP you can address the biggest challenge you have – the psychological habit of smoking.
Many people who consider quitting smoking feel that their true choice is being taken away from them.
If you feel that not smoking means you are being deprived of something, you are more likely to start smoking again at some stage. This is because you have not broken the psychological habit of being a smoker.
Overcome Smoking Addiction with Hypnosis and NLP
The first step in quitting smoking is to break this psychological habit. Nicotine addiction is not the problem. The chemicals in cigarettes will be out of your system within 4 to 5 days. The belief that you NEED to smoke is what must be addressed. If you believe that quitting is impossible, then from the moment you stub out your cigarette you will focus constantly on your “need” for your next “fix”. It is hardly surprising you find it difficult to stop!
Smoking is largely a deeply embedded habit triggered by some known or unknown patterns and situations, which are so strong, that willpower and discipline alone are often not enough to change this pattern of behaviour.
This is where Hypnosis and NLP are so powerful. It breaks the psychological addiction by presenting you with an alternative future in which you don’t smoke. When you to focus on the benefits of not smoking – to imagine how different your life will be as a non-smoker, you will have a sense of confidence and control which will empower and motivate you towards your goal. This feels positive and empowering.
Why is Hypnosis and NLP so Effective with Quitting Smoking?
You will realise that everyone experiences stress, and that smoking does not combat stress, but actually increases physical stress levels. Hypnosis provides you with alternative relaxation techniques to combat stress effectively.
There are no adverse side-effects with the use of hypnosis. You stand less chance of becoming short-tempered or start eating as a substitute for smoking. Hypnosis gives you the tools to decrease the chance of you exchanging one bad habit for another
NLP will support you with techniques to anchor relaxation when you find yourself in situations that used to trigger a light-up. These anchors provide both a physical and mental replacement to that breath of smoke!
Learn more about the programme by visiting the Quit Smoking page.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Nov 7, 2012 in Anxiety, articles | Comments Off on Hypnosis and NLP for Anxiety, Stress and Depression
Hypnosis and NLP for Anxiety, Stress and Depression. Anxiety is a normal reaction to Stress. But when anxiety becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations you need to do something about it before it is not only a burden you have to struggle with every day, but it also makes you physically ill and depressed.
Is your stress impacting on your progress at work?
Are you crippled with exam nerves?
Are you paralyzed with fear at the prospect of speaking in public?
Are you so shy that you avoid interacting with others?
If you have answered yes to any of the above questions then your mind and body are telling you that there are unresolved thought-emotions that you need to uncover and understand. If you don’t you will fall into a cycle of stress, anxiety and depression which may leave you in despair.
Deal with your unresolved thought-emotions and live your life to the fullest! Jump at this opportunity now and contact Linda Clarke for more information on using Hypnosis and NLP for Anxiety, Stress and Depression.
What is Mind-Body Balance?
Hypnotherapy and NLP works on the principle that your mind and body work together to create a healthy physical and mental balance. Psychological or physical ill health occurs when the harmonious balance of mind and body is upset.
How you THINK and what you FEEL influences your PHYSICAL HEALTH
A PHYSICAL SYMPTOM when extended over a period of time will change how you THINK AND FEEL.
If a symptom (eg anxiety) continues to linger after it’s usefulness has ended, this is a sign that the mind and body are no longer working together in harmonious balance. Understand the cause of your anxiety, learn techniques to choose your emotional state and put those anxiety attacks behind you forever. Take that step and Contact Linda Clarke today.
Read more about how feelings and emotions impact your health.
Approaches to Alleviating Anxiety
Hypnosis can uncover the underlying causes for anxiety:-
- What is triggering an anxiety attack?
- Why is that trigger causing this reaction?
NLP offers us many techniques to access and anchor desired states. This means that you can choose your emotional state!
The way our minds work is that the physical reaction – in this case anxiety – happens when old memories, emotions and feelings come to the surface. You may have no conscious knowledge of these feelings and beliefs. Hypnosis uncovers these memories, allowing you to understand and accept them. NLP affords us many techniques to access and anchor desired states. In so doing you restore the mind-body balance required to live a healthy, fulfilled and happy life.
Contact Linda Clarke and explore using hypnosis and NLP for anxiety. Also have a look at Linda’s Holistic Massage which is very effective in alleviating feelings of anxiety and Mindfulness meditation.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Nov 7, 2012 in articles, Insomnia | Comments Off on Overcoming Insomnia
Overcoming Insomnia. Insomnia is a chronic inability to sleep well. Do you lie awake at night worrying about the presentation you have the next day, or the impending confrontation with a colleague, or about your financial affairs? Do you struggle to get your mind to stop turning over the events of the day?
Insomnia has reached epidemic proportions. Today, half the world’s adult population complains of sleeping problems. If you find that you can’t fall asleep, or you wake up in the early hours of the morning and can’t get back to sleep, you probably have some form of insomnia.
Side Effects of Insomnia
Those who suffer from insomnia are constantly tired, anxious, and can even be emotionally unstable. They become irritable, and are unable to react appropriately to situations. Insomnia makes it difficult to learn new things and impairs memory. Insomnia is linked to weight gain and depression. It has clear negative effects on your state of physical health as it significantly reduces the ability of the immune system to prevent illness. And of course, lying awake at night worrying about the fact that you can’t sleep just makes it worse!
Using Sleeping Pills to Treat Insomnia
Sleeping tablets inhibit deep sleep and reduces the quality of sleep. In addition, the body develops a tolerance to drugs, requiring larger and larger doses for the same effect. The dangers of addiction and accidental overdosing are a very real side-effect of sleeping tablets.
Hypnosis and NLP For Overcoming Insomnia
To sleep you need to relax. Hypnosis teaches you how to relax physically and mentally. NLP teaches you how to anchor the relaxed state. You learn to take control, and to use natural ways to fall asleep. Your sub-conscious mind has memories of deep, restful sleep. Both Hypnosis and NLP help you to re-educate your mind into relaxing, and reintroduces your brain to healthy sleeping patterns. (more about how hypnosis works)
Hypnosis and NLP are the natural, long-term solutions to disrupted sleeping patterns. It provides you with the tools you need to turn a restless night into a good night’s sleep. The positive effects of sleeping well include increased energy levels, consistently good moods, and improved self esteem!
Contact Linda Clarke today and start your journey back to a good, restful nights sleep.
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Posted by Linda Clarke on Nov 7, 2012 in articles, Sexual Problems | Comments Off on Hypnosis and Sexual Problems
Hypnosis and Sexual Problems
Hypnosis and Sexual Problems. Even well trained sex therapists find the successful treatment of sexual disorders extremely challenging. Traditional approaches are, in many cases, unsuccessful or only partially successful.
Hypnosis has been used in the treatment of sexual problems for a long time. Almost 50 years ago, Erickson and Kubie (1941) provided us with the earliest known case of the successful treatment of Inhibited Sexual Desire with hypnosis. Hypnosis holds considerable promise in sex therapy, yet only 7% of sex therapists use hypnosis in their clinical work.
Good sex is an erotic trance. Effective hypnosis requires high focus and concentration so does effective sex.
Hypnosis vs Traditional Sex Therapy
In traditional sex therapy co-operative partners must both be involved. Hypnosis may be used in treatment of the individual client without the partner’s involvement. Hypnosis offers techniques that allow rapid identification of underlying conflicts, unresolved feelings about past events and factors beyond conscious awareness. In traditional therapy a client may think they have never been molested only to discover through hypnosis that they had in fact suffered these experiences. Note: Prior to commencing hypnotherapy physical causes of any dysfunction must always be ruled out.
What Causes Sexual Problems?
A person can have dysfunctions to protect themselves against a fear – infidelity, punishing themselves for past misbehaviour or expressing anger toward a partner.
A negative body image – penis size, women who think their vaginas are ugly or different – causes shame and embarrassment and can lead to inhibitions to sexual desire.
Guilt about excessive masturbation as a child and teenager can cause a person to believe that they have damaged or deformed their genitalia in some way not realizing that everyone is a different shape and size.
Intimacy and passion are what most people crave, yet there are many people who are afraid of intimacy. They do not allow themselves to experience it. They feel they do not deserve it.
Physical and mental tension and fatigue often inhibit sexual interest and cause performance capacities.
Many people feel they are beyond help, which this puts severe strain and pressure on a relationship. When people worry they lose confidence and clam up.
Anxiety breeds more anxiety which makes things worse. The person then expects it to happen which causes a conditioning effect. Then even thinking about it can cause anxiety which inhibits natural sexual response or desire. This builds up fear and an expectation of failure.
Hypnosis And Sexual Problems
Hypnosis is used to uncover the cause behind your sexual problem, so that it can be understood and acted upon. To eradicate the conditioning effect, hypnosis is used to re-educate the mind so that you can once again associate sex with the appropriate physical and emotional feelings and state of mind.
Hypnosis Techniques
- Hypnoanalysis can be used to release trauma of past events and thoughts and feelings about sex. In the treatment of inhibited sexual desire or erectile dysfunction hypnotic age regression may revivify memories that help rekindle and recapture positive sexual and affectionate feelings.
- Direct Suggestions are positive suggestions which can alter a person’s thoughts and feelings and the subconscious mind accepts this as reality.
- Visual Imagery teaches a person to visualize a specific goal so that it seems so real it becomes imprinted in the brain. When he is in this relaxed state the mind is more easily able to adapt to the imagery and accepts the suggested vision as being real.
- PH Suggestion anchors a suggestion in the subconscious mind and is linked to a physical stimulus. For example; the hypnotherapist might say to the client whilst in hypnosis – “Every time you initiate intimacy with your partner you will feel confident, relaxed and calm”. This is a tool that can be utilized in a person’s waking life.
- Symbolic Imagery Techniques allow clients to release pent-up feelings like anger and resentment without harming the relationship with the partner. Clients can experience themselves smashing a huge boulder in the mountains while simultaneously venting his angry feelings. They can imagine breaking through a barrier, discarding old parental messages that evoke negative emotions, or placing feelings of guilt in the gondola of a hot air balloon and watching it float away. Chronically fatigued clients may imagine an energy transfusion or withdraw to a serene place in self-hypnosis.
- Self-Hypnosis provides clients with a sense of self-control and a technique for stress management. Some clients need a method of mentally “changing gears” and making a transition from a hectic day to being able to focus on sexual involvement. Hypnosis provides them with such a skill for anxiety reduction and decompression, as well as for the arousal of sexual passion through sexual imagery and fantasy prior to sexual involvement.
Types of Sexual Dysfunctions alleviated with Hypnosis
- Inhibited sexual desire – this relates to problems with communication, intimacy, traumatic sexual experiences, negative parental models, inhibitions, shame and poor body image. Hypnoanalysis is used to uncover and resolve past experiences in addition to visualization and suggestion therapy.
- Anorgasmia – refers to women who have never had an orgasm or have weak or non-existent orgasms, without a presenting medical reason. The cause and the answers are within their mind. There is resistance in the subconscious that a woman could be unaware of. This needs to be unlocked, let go and fully released by using hypnosis. Visualization will distract the client from performance concerns.
- Female Sexual Arousal Disorder – refers to a lack of lubrication and swelling of external genitalia which can cause pain with intercourse. Guilt, hostility and anxiety are often psychological explanations of this disorder. Relaxation techniques, visualizations and positive suggestions can be given focusing on pleasurable thoughts and feelings about sex.
- Vaginismus – is an involuntary reflex action where the muscles of the pelvic floor go into spasm and nothing can penetrate the vagina. The cause is complex – both mental and physical:
- Stories that sex is painful the first time can cause deep fear in women.
- Some women have enjoyed sex previously but due to illness – operations or infections – they are afraid that sex will be painful.
- Parents taught them that sex was dirty and they feel shame; they cannot relax because they feel they are doing wrong.
- Abuse and rape victims can develop fear of penetration – it could be memories of pain, loss of control and vulnerability.
Initially clients must learn how to flex and relax their muscles so that they know what it feels like to be relaxed. Hypnoanalysis can then assist a person in healing past trauma with suggestive therapy conditioning her to be totally calm and relaxed. Progressive relaxation and visualization will help her to overcome her initial fear of anything being inserted in her vagina. Visualization and Suggestive Therapy will assist the client to be more relaxed, calm and confident.
- Sexual Aversion – refers to a fear or phobia about sex. Hypnoanalysis would be the first approach to uncover the underlying cause which would then be followed by suggestion therapy.
- Erectile Dysfunction (or impotence) – the inability of a man to achieve an erection during sexual stimulation. Erectile Dysfunction presents as a lack of blood flow to the portion of the penis that causes an erection. It can be caused by cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, diabetes and anti-depressant drugs. Erectile dysfunction causes extreme anxiety. When a person is anxious it causes a constriction of the penile arteries forcing blood out of the penis which suppresses erection.
- Traditionally drugs are prescribed to increase blood flow to the penis – they are costly and there are side effects. Hypnosis will help with this type of problem – suggestions can be given to enhance blood flow to the penis and to reduce anxiety.
- Premature Ejaculation – the inability for a man to control when he ejaculates. Anxiety is the biggest cause and in 98% of cases the cause is not medical. Every time a man fails to control ejaculation the problem gets worse and he is conditioning himself to fail.
- Traditional methods of treating this problem include penis rings which keeps blood in the penis after orgasm therefore he is still erect and able to satisfy his partner. De-sensitizing creams/sprays and lotions removes or reduces sensations and feelings from intercourse. Both of these methods are unsatisfying to the client because he is not exerting control. Hypnotic suggestion and visualization can help a man gain control.
- Addiction to Sex and Masturbation – an increased sexual desire or lust which is causing distress in a person’s life. The cause of such an addiction is often abuse in a person’s childhood years. Hypnotherapy is useful to people with this addiction as the person can be regressed to the old pain or trauma. Healing is facilitated as the person is able to release pent up emotions which he or she was suppressing by using sex as a substitute.
Use the Power of Your Mind
Due to the perception of hypnosis being “mystical” many clients believe that hypnosis can do for them what they cannot do for themselves. Hypnosis provides hope, increased feelings of self-efficacy and confidence that change can occur.
Procedures during the trance state can convince many people of the power of their own mind. These procedures can convince a person that they have more potential than they realized and perhaps their mind is powerful enough to stir sexual desire, facilitate orgasm, or create erections.
Visit Sexual Problems page to obtain booking details.
Contact Linda today and enjoy a wonderfully rewarding relationship with your partner!
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